ProClim introduces the latest scientific findings regarding climate change to political and public discussion. The forum provides a network for the scientific and political communities and society as a whole, thus contributing to a climate-neutral and climate-resilient Switzerland.more

Image: NASAmore

News on Climate, Global Change and Energy

News from the network on climate, global change and energy.


Grosses Potenzial für Energieeinsparung in der Schweizer Industrie

Rund ein Fünftel des Energieverbrauchs in der Schweiz fliesst in die Industrie. Gerade die Unternehmen aus den energieintensiven Branchen haben ein grosses Interesse, ihren Energieverbrauch zu optimieren. Um sie dabei

Image: PublicDomainPictures (Pixabay)
Large volumes of dust from the Sahara entered Switzerland in several waves in the winter and spring of 2024. The dust collected on the surface of the snow and glaciers, leading to an increase in solar radiation absorbed during the summer. This considerably accelerated the thawing process.

Severe melting of glaciers despite heavy snowfall at high altitudes

After the extreme circumstances encountered in 2022 and 2023, no relief is in sight for Swiss glaciers. Despite exceptionally large volumes of snow during the winter, a combination of temperatures

Image: Matthias Huss

Call for papers on sustainable forestry for a sustainable future

A special issue of Sustainability by the global land Programm aims to bring together novel contributions on the topic of sustainable forestry for a sustainable future, which is both timely

Image: Schwoaze Pixabay

Sinkende betriebliche CO2-Emissionen

Der Energie- und Klimabericht 2023 der Initiative «Vorbild Energie und Klima» zeigt, dass die betrieblichen Treibhausgasemissionen (Scope 1 und 2) der 18 beteiligten Anbieter öffentlich relevanter Dienstleistungen im vergangenen Jahr

Image: marcinjozwiak pixabay
The snow measurements used a combination of different instruments to investigate snow's physical and chemical properties

How the microstructure of snow in the Arctic influences sea ice and the global climate

Amy R. Macfarlane will be awarded the Prix de Quervain 2024 for her excellent and innovative doctoral dissertation at the ETH Zurich and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche

Image: Calle Schöning