ProClim bringt die aktuellsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zum Klimawandel in die politische und öffentliche Diskussion ein. Das Forum vernetzt Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft und trägt zu einer klimaneutralen und -resilienten Schweiz bei.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

Climate Chance: Climate Actors World Summit

The conference includes plenary sessions, forums, and workshops.


La Cité, 5 rue de Valmy, 44041 Nantes

The COP21 was a success and a major step in the commitment by States to fight against climate change. It is a global challenge that calls for local action. Major cities, towns and all civil society carry solutions for concrete, ambitious and real action. A global summit, Climate Chance aims to become a regular event for all non-state actors involved in the fight against climate change.

Pflanzen (Symbolbild)
Bild: northlightimages,

Following the World Summit on Climate & Territories in Lyon last year, and a few weeks before the Habitat III summit in Quito, and the COP22 in Marrakesh, this summit will be the chance to deliver new common messages from non-state actors, without which we will be unable to stabilise global warming


  • Politik
Sprachen: Englisch