ProClim bringt die aktuellsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zum Klimawandel in die politische und öffentliche Diskussion ein. Das Forum vernetzt Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft und trägt zu einer klimaneutralen und -resilienten Schweiz bei.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

3rd European Resources Forum 2016


Ludwig Erhard Haus
Fasanenstraße 85,
10623 Berlin

The German Environment Agency is hosting the third European Resources Forum on 9 –10 November 2016. The conference takes place in the “Ludwig Erhard Haus” in Berlin. The ERF addresses European decision-makers and experts from the fields of policy development, industry, academia, civil society and the media. The 2016 ERF is expected to attract some 400 participants

Energie und Technologie (Symbolbild)
Bild: Christoph Ritz

After the successful conferences in 2012 and 2014, the European Resources Forum has established itself as
an important European platform for discussion on the issue of sustainable resource use by focusing on the
political and scientific debate on this subject.
The ERF seeks to contribute to the development and implementation of common positions for policy-making in
Europe and internationally. The ERF is an important instrument for communication on resource issues and for
setting up networks and initiating stakeholder alliances at the European level.


Umwelt Bundesamt



Project coordination
German Environment Agency
Mr. Christopher Manstein

Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany

Organisational support:

Ecologic Institute
Ms. Jennifer Reck

Pfalzburger Str. 43/44
10717 Berlin, Germany



Sprachen: Englisch