ProClim bringt die aktuellsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zum Klimawandel in die politische und öffentliche Diskussion ein. Das Forum vernetzt Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft und trägt zu einer klimaneutralen und -resilienten Schweiz bei.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2015

Sustainability and health: emerging topics and new challenges for inter- and transdisciplinary research


Messeplatz 21

Highlight: The presentation ceremony for the «swiss-academies award for transdisciplinary research 2015» will take place during the conference.

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2015

The two goals of the conference are:
- To explore synergies among the "thought collectives" of health, sustainability, and transdisciplinarity, while releasing the full potential of this interaction for Public Health, Sustainable Development, and societal problem solving in general.
- To bring together the international td-community to critically reflect and advance transdisciplinary research.


  • international
  • Transdisziplinarität

Abstract submission
Deadline (extended): 14.06.2015

Sprachen: Englisch