ProClim apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques sur le changement climatique au débat politique et public. Le forum met en réseau la science, la politique et la société, tout en contribuant à une Suisse neutre et résiliente sur le plan climatique.en plus

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Dimensions, Issue January 2013

House of Cards – The perilous state of global biodiversity

The second issue of Dimensions takes on the critical and intertwining subjects of global biodiversity and ecosystem services. IHDP is especially delighted to feature an exclusive introduction by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, whose thought-provoking piece sets the tone for a variety of articles, interviews and opinions on these increasingly important issues.

Dimensions, Issue January 2013

Download the online version of the second issue, in which Biodiversity is explored, or order your free hardcopy from .


  • Politique climatique