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Image : NASAen plus

Coastal Basins on the Edge - Cumulative Effects of Multiple Human Activities where Land and Ocean meet

Policy Brief No. 7 from UNESCO, SCOPE, and UNEP

Semi-enclosed coastal seas, bays and gulfs provide services that are critical for sustaining marine life, and human development and well-being. These dynamic, diverse and productive ecosystems are affected by a concentration of human activities around the watersheds, along the coasts and in the water bodies, with profound consequences for the environment and society. Their integrated management and governance involving multiple stakeholders across national boundaries and political jurisdictions are necessary to ensure the continued provision of vital ecosystem services into the future.

Coastal Basins on the Edge - Cumulative Effects of Multiple Human Activities where Land and Ocean meet

Source: Source: SCOPE [1]


  • Effets
  • Écosystème
  • Être humain