ProClim introduces the latest scientific findings regarding climate change to political and public discussion. The forum provides a network for the scientific and political communities and society as a whole, thus contributing to a climate-neutral and climate-resilient Switzerland.more

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Stakeholder Dialogue for Sustainability. The Challenge of Thinking between Boxes

saguf board members participated in a Stakeholder Dialogue initiated by the Swiss Federal Council to jointly elaborate its new Sustainable Development Strategy.

saguf-Mitteilungen GAIA 25/4

Edition / Volume: GAIA 25/4
Pages: 299-301

Source: Ejderyan, O.; Carabias-Hütter, V.; Kläy, A.; Moschitz, H.Stakeholder Dialogue for Sustainability. The Challenge of Thinking between Boxes. GAIA 25/4 (2016): 299-301
