ProClim introduces the latest scientific findings regarding climate change to political and public discussion. The forum provides a network for the scientific and political communities and society as a whole, thus contributing to a climate-neutral and climate-resilient Switzerland.more

Image: NASAmore

ForumAlpinum & AlpWeek

Since 1994, ISCAR has organised the bi-annual ForumAlpinum with national partners. The ForumAlpinum is primarily a scientific conference aiming to promote international research cooperation on topics of relevance across the entire Alpine arc. The ForumAlpinum has also been designed as an interface between the scientific community and the general public, providing opportunities for dialogue among various groups.

Image: M. Bolliger

In 2004 (Kranjska Gora), 2008 (Argentière-la- Bessée) and 2012 (Valposchiavo, CH), the ForumAlpinum concept was extended to include AlpWeek. Important Alp-related organisations, networks and observers of the Alpine Convention – CIPRA, ALPARC, Alliance in the Alps, Club Arc Alpin and ISCAR – meet every four years to discuss issues of common interest.


  • Alps
  • Cooperation
  • Dialogue
  • international
  • Scientific exchange and networking