ProClim introduces the latest scientific findings regarding climate change to political and public discussion. The forum provides a network for the scientific and political communities and society as a whole, thus contributing to a climate-neutral and climate-resilient Switzerland.more

Image: NASAmore

European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change (ECBCC)

Biodiversity and health in the face of climate change


Bonn (Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2)

This joint European conference in Bonn will bring together experts from science, policy and practice to highlight and discuss the importance of biodiversity’s contribution to human health in the face of climate change. In this context health is considered in its physical, psychological and social dimension, including socio-environmental equity. The aim of the conference is to increase knowledge, share experiences and foster nature-based solutions to meet the challenges of climate change and health issues.

Pflanzen (Symbolbild)
Image: northlightimages,


Languages: English