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Climate variability and extremes during the past 100 years - International Scientific Workshop

24 - 26 July 2006 in Thun-Gwatt



Large progress has been made in the past few years towards quantifying and understanding climate variability during past centuries. Both the understanding of the past and the knowledge of the processes are important for assessing and attributing the anthropogenic effect on present and future climate. The most important time period in this context is the past 100 years, which comprise both, large natural variations and extremes as well as anthropogenic influences, most pronounced in the past few decades. The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists working on data issues together with statistical climatologists, modellers, and atmospheric chemists to discuss gaps in our understanding of climate variability during the past approximately 100 years.

Teaser: Climate variability and extremes during the past 100 years - International Scientific Workshop


Languages: English